Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn traveling through a forest in Goms from above

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions about the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway.

Which tickets allow me to get discounts on the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn?

Are GA Travelcards / day passes / monthly passes valid on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
Are the Eurail Pass and the Interrail Pass valid on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
Are Junior Cards / Children's Co-travel Card / Swiss Family Card valid on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
Is the Swiss Travel Pass valid on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
Is the International Discount Card For Railway Personnel (FIP) valid on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?

Ticket purchase online

How will I receive my ticket after my purchase?
I do not have the option to pay online. Are there alternative booking options ?
My booking was disconnected but my credit card was charged; how do I proceed?
I did not receive a confirmation email with my e-tickets.
Why can't I select my desired travel date?
How can I buy an online ticket for my child under 6?
Can I reserve seats for my journey on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
Is the ticket only valid for a specific departure?

On track with the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway

Where does the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway have staffed ticket counters?
Which means of payment can I use at the staffed stations of Matterhorn Gotthard railway?
What do I do if I have left something on the train of Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
Can wheelchair users travel on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
How does one reserve a wheelchair seat for traveling with the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?
Are dogs allowed on board the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway?

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